Usa the invincible iron man vol 4 stark disassembled tp

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The World's Most Wanted is now the World's Most Shattered..

Tony's closest friends and lovers have gathered to try and help the man rebuild his shattered consciousness, body, life and legacy...but when Tony gets the call, does he WANT to come back? CAN he...even with Dr

Strange, Master of the Mystic Arts, bridging the gap between the two worlds? And you didn't think the bad guys were going to just sit back and let Tony rest and recuperate, did you?Plus: The Mandarin is a collection of lies, stories, myths and legends

But two things are true: He wears, upon each finger, an alien weapon of unimaginable power…and he's going to kill Tony Stark

Is he a violent street crook born in a brothel? The scion of an aristocratic dynasty? Was his father was a petty criminal or an ambassador? Was his mother a British noblewoman, or maybe a dragon-chasing wastrel lost in the underbelly of the world? He's a murderer, a businessman, an artist, a terrorist, a hero

And this is the story of his life.Collecting Invincible Iron Man issues #20 to -24 and Invincible Iron Man Annual #1, written by Matt Fraction, pencilled by Salvador Larroca & Carmine Di Giandomenico, with a cover by Patrick Zircher.

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Usa The Invincible Iron Man Vol 4 Stark Disassembled Tp